Finding Love With The Top Single Parent Dating Sites

  • eHarmony – Best for those looking for a meaningful relationship, eHarmony is the perfect choice.
  • – Best for those looking to find a meaningful connection with someone special.
  • Single Parent Meet – Best for single parents looking to find a meaningful connection with someone who understands the unique challenges of being a single parent.
  • Just Single Parents – Best for single parents looking to find a meaningful connection with someone who understands their unique lifestyle.
  • Mums Date Dads – Best for single parents looking to meet someone special.

There are plenty of other great options for single parent dating sites. With so many to choose from, you’re sure to find one that fits your needs. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

  • Single Parents Mingle
  • Elite Singles
  • Single Parent Love
  • Single and Parents
  • Parents Without Partners

List Of Best Single Parent Dating Sites


eHarmony is the real deal! It’s a dating site that takes the guesswork out of finding your perfect match. With its patented Compatibility Matching System, you’ll be sure to find someone who’s on the same page as you. Plus, eHarmony has tons of great features like guided communication and secure phone calls, so you can feel confident and safe while getting to know someone. It’s no wonder why eHarmony is one of the most popular dating sites around – it’s the total package! is the OG of online dating! It’s been around for over 20 years and has a ton of features to help you find your perfect match. You can create a profile, search for potential matches, send winks, and even get expert advice on how to make your profile stand out. Plus, it’s free to join and browse through other users’ profiles. is the perfect way to dip your toe into the online dating pool – it’s easy to use, safe, and reliable. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try and see who you could meet!

Single Parent Meet

Single Parent Meet is a great dating site for single parents! It’s got all the features you need to find your perfect match, plus some extras. You can search for potential dates by location, age, and other criteria. Plus, it’s free to join and easy to use. The site also offers helpful tips and advice on how to make the most of your online dating experience. With its user-friendly interface and large member base, Single Parent Meet is a great choice for single parents looking for love. So why wait? Sign up today and start meeting new people!

Just Single Parents

Just Single Parents is the perfect dating site for single mums and dads! It’s got all the features you need, plus it’s totally free to join. With its easy-to-use search filters, you can find exactly what you’re looking for in no time. Plus, you can chat with other single parents in the forum and get advice from experienced members. What’s more, you don’t have to worry about your kids seeing any inappropriate content – Just Single Parents is 100% safe and secure. So, if you’re a single parent looking for love, this is the place for you!

Mums Date Dads

Mums Date Dads is the perfect dating site for single parents! It’s packed with features to make it easy to find your match, like advanced search and a private messaging system. Plus, you can use the app on the go, so you never miss a connection. With its focus on single parents, Mums Date Dads offers a safe and secure environment to meet someone special. And, it’s totally free to join, so why not give it a try? Who knows, you might just find your happily ever after!

5 Useful Tips For Single Parent Dating Sites

  • Make sure to read the reviews of the single parent dating sites you are considering before signing up.
  • Set up a profile that accurately reflects who you are and what you’re looking for in a partner.
  • Be honest about your expectations and be open to different types of relationships.
  • Take time to get to know someone before meeting them in person.
  • Utilize the messaging features of the site to get to know potential matches better.

What Are Single Parent Dating Sites?

Single parent dating sites are the real deal! They’re designed to help single parents find love without having to worry about juggling kids and dates. Whether you’ve been a single parent for years or just recently became one, these sites can be a lifesaver when it comes to finding someone who understands your unique situation. Plus, they offer an easy way of connecting with other singles who share similar values and interests as you do. So if you’re looking for that special someone but don’t have time (or energy!) to hit up all the local bars, then give one of these websites a try – trust me, it’ll make life so much easier!

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Choosing the best single parent dating site can be a real challenge. I know, because I’ve been there! With so many options out there it’s hard to decide which one is right for you. But don’t worry – with my tips and tricks you’ll have no problem finding your perfect match in no time!

First of all, make sure that the website or app has an active user base – otherwise what’s the point? You want to join a platform where people are actually using it and interacting with each other. Don’t just go by numbers either; check out reviews from actual users too if possible before signing up anywhere else. That way you get an honest opinion about how things really work on any given site or app without having to waste your own time trying them all yourself first-hand (which would take forever!). Secondly, look at features like messaging systems and search filters available on different sites/apps as well as their overall design aesthetic – this will help narrow down your choices even further since some may not offer certain functions while others do etcetera etcetera… Last but certainly not least: read through terms & conditions carefully before committing anywhere so that everything is clear between both parties involved when entering into any kind of agreement online– especially when dealing with sensitive personal information such as credit card details etc.. This goes double for anyone who plans on paying for premium services offered by these platforms too btw ;).

In conclusion: doing research beforehand always pays off in situations like this; whether its checking customer feedback or reading through Terms & Conditions documents closely – taking extra precautions upfront could save lots of headaches later down the line 😉 So keep those eyes peeled folks!!

How Do We Rank Single Parent Dating Sites?

When it comes to reviewing single parent dating sites, we don’t mess around. We take our job seriously and go above and beyond what other review sites do. Our team of experts spent countless hours researching the best free and paid versions available for single parents out there. We sent over 200 messages across different platforms in a span of two weeks so that we could get an accurate idea about how each site works from both sides – as a user sending messages, as well as receiving them! In addition to this, we also tested out features like sign up process time duration; ease-of-use; profile creation steps etc., all while keeping safety measures in mind (like privacy policies). To make sure no stone was left unturned during our research process, every member on the team had their own unique set of criteria they used when evaluating these websites based on their individual experiences with online dating apps/sites.
At the end of it all though, one thing is certain: you can trust us because no other review site offers such thorough reviews like ours!


All in all, single parent dating sites are a great way to meet other like-minded individuals. They provide an opportunity for busy parents to connect with people who understand their lifestyle and share similar values. With so many options available, there’s sure to be one that fits your needs perfectly! So if you’re looking for someone special but don’t have the time or energy for traditional dating methods, give these sites a try – you won’t regret it!


1. Where to find safe single parent dating sites?

I’ve tried a few different single parent dating sites, and I would recommend checking out eHarmony or as they have great safety features like ID verification and profile screening to make sure you’re only talking to real people. Plus, both of these platforms are well-known for having lots of active users so you can be sure that there will be plenty of potential matches!

2. Are single parent dating sites anonymous?

No, single parent dating sites are not anonymous. Most require you to create a profile with your personal information and photos in order to be able to connect with other users. You can choose what information is visible on your profile, but it’s still best practice to keep the details of yourself private until you feel comfortable sharing them.

3. How to choose legit single parent dating sites?

Do your research and read reviews from other users. Look for sites that have a good reputation, offer safety features like identity verification, and provide customer service support. Make sure the site has a large user base so you can find matches quickly!

4. What are the prices of single parent dating sites?

Single parent dating sites vary in price, but generally range from free to around $50 a month. Some offer discounts if you sign up for multiple months at once. Prices can also depend on the features and services offered by each site.