Home » 2023 RomaniaKiss Review: Is It Worth Trying? A Comprehensive Guide

2023 RomaniaKiss Review: Is It Worth Trying? A Comprehensive Guide

  • RomaniaKiss has a great selection of potential matches from Romania.
  • The site is easy to use and navigate.
  • RomaniaKiss offers excellent customer service and support.
  • Not enough active users.
  • Limited search options.
  • No mobile app.
  • Unclear pricing structure.
  • Difficult to cancel subscription.

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Tired of swiping left and right on dating apps with no luck? Well, RomaniaKiss might just be the answer to your prayers! This international dating site has been helping singles find their perfect match since 2006. But is it really worth the time and effort? Let’s take a closer look and find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site, RomaniaKiss is definitely not the one. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! The profiles are outdated and it’s hard to find anyone who’s actually interested in meeting up. Plus, the features are pretty basic – no bells and whistles here. All in all, I’d say it’s a waste of time and money. Save yourself the trouble and go somewhere else.

How Does RomaniaKiss Work?

RomaniaKiss is an online dating site designed to help singles in Romania find their perfect match. It offers a variety of features and services that can help users find the person they are looking for. The platform allows users to create a profile, upload photos, search for potential matches, send messages, and more.

The website has a simple and easy-to-use interface that makes it easy for users to navigate. Users can also filter their search results by age, location, gender, and other criteria. Once users have found someone they like, they can start chatting with them and eventually arrange to meet up in person.

RomaniaKiss also offers a range of safety features to ensure that users stay safe while using the platform. These include photo verification, a two-step authentication process, and a detailed privacy policy. Additionally, RomaniaKiss also offers customer support to help users with any issues they may have.

Overall, RomaniaKiss is a decent online dating site that can be used to find potential matches in Romania. However, there are better alternatives out there that offer more features and better security measures. Therefore, if you’re looking for a reliable and secure online dating experience, it might be worth considering other options.

Signing up

The registration process on RomaniaKiss is straightforward and easy to follow. It requires a few simple steps to complete the process.

First, users must provide their gender and the gender of the person they are looking for. This is followed by providing basic personal information such as age, location, and email address. The minimum age requirement to register on RomaniaKiss is 18 years old.

Next, users must create a username and password for their account. They also have the option to add a profile photo at this stage.

Once all the required information has been provided, users must agree to the terms and conditions of the website. This includes agreeing to the privacy policy and the rules of conduct.

After agreeing to the terms and conditions, users must verify their email address. Once the verification is successful, users can log in to their account and start using the website.

Registration on RomaniaKiss is free and no payment is required to create an account. However, users may need to purchase credits or upgrade their membership in order to access certain features of the website.

Overall, the registration process on RomaniaKiss is simple and straightforward. All the necessary information is clearly outlined and users can easily complete the process in a few steps.

  • In order to register on RomaniaKiss, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location
  • A username and password
  • A profile photo

Mobile App

RomaniaKiss does not have a mobile app. This is somewhat surprising given the fact that most dating sites have an app version of their service. There are several possible reasons why RomaniaKiss does not have a mobile app. First, it could be due to the lack of resources and budget. Developing and maintaining a mobile app requires significant investment, which RomaniaKiss may not have access to. Second, it could be because RomaniaKiss does not see enough demand for a mobile app. Since the website is already well-designed and user-friendly, RomaniaKiss may not feel the need to develop a mobile app.

Finally, RomaniaKiss may simply not have the technical expertise or personnel to develop a mobile app. Creating a mobile app requires specialized knowledge and experience in coding and software development, which RomaniaKiss may not have access to. Without these resources, RomaniaKiss would be unable to create a mobile app.

Given the fact that RomaniaKiss does not have a mobile app, users will have to rely on the website to access the service. Fortunately, the website is well-designed and easy to use, so users should not have any difficulty navigating the site. The website is also optimized for mobile devices, so users can easily access the service from their phones or tablets.

Overall, RomaniaKiss does not have a mobile app. While this may be disappointing for some users, the website is still easy to use and provides a great way to connect with other singles.

Design & Usability

RomaniaKiss has a modern, vibrant design with a predominantly white background and bright blue accents. The overall look is clean and inviting, making it easy to navigate the site. The user interface is intuitive and straightforward, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for. RomaniaKiss also offers a paid subscription that unlocks additional features such as advanced search options and UI improvements.

The homepage of RomaniaKiss features a prominent banner showcasing the latest news and updates. Below this, there is a carousel of images that link to other pages on the website. There is also a search bar located at the top of the page, allowing users to quickly find matches. On the left side of the page, there is a navigation menu that provides access to the different sections of the website.

In terms of usability, RomaniaKiss is quite good. All the necessary information is easily accessible and the site is responsive and fast. However, there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the search function could be more robust, allowing users to filter their results more accurately. Additionally, the mobile version of the site could use some work as it does not offer the same level of functionality as the desktop version.

Overall, RomaniaKiss has a modern design and an intuitive user interface. It is easy to navigate and the features are well laid out. The paid subscription unlocks additional features and UI improvements, making it even easier to use. While there are some areas that could be improved, RomaniaKiss is still a great dating site with a lot to offer.

RomaniaKiss features

RomaniaKiss offers both free and paid features. On the free version, users can create a profile, browse other profiles, send winks, and use basic search filters. Paid members have access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile. RomaniaKiss also offers some unique features, such as a “Personality Test” which helps users find better matches based on their personality type.

When it comes to pricing, RomaniaKiss offers several subscription plans. The most popular plan is the one-month subscription, which costs $19.99 per month. There is also a three-month subscription plan, which costs $14.99 per month, and a six-month subscription plan, which costs $9.99 per month. All of these plans come with a 7-day money-back guarantee.

For those who are looking for a more affordable option, RomaniaKiss also offers a “VIP Membership” plan. This plan costs $4.99 per month and gives users access to all of the same features as the regular subscription plans. However, this plan does not include the 7-day money-back guarantee.

In addition to the subscription plans, RomaniaKiss also offers a variety of add-on services. These services include “Featured Profiles”, which allows users to be featured on the homepage, and “Highlighted Messages”, which allows users to highlight their messages in the inbox.

Overall, RomaniaKiss offers a variety of features and services at a range of prices. The free version provides users with basic features, while the paid subscription plans offer additional features and services. The VIP Membership plan is an affordable option for those who are looking for a more budget-friendly option. Additionally, RomaniaKiss offers a variety of add-on services that can help users get the most out of their experience.

  • Free registration and messaging
  • Advanced search filters to find the perfect match
  • Verified profiles for added security
  • Live chat and video calls with other members
  • Anonymous browsing to protect your privacy

Help & Support

RomaniaKiss provides users with several ways to access support. Users can contact the RomaniaKiss customer service team via email or through their website. The response time for email inquiries is usually within 24 hours, however, this may vary depending on the complexity of the issue. RomaniaKiss also has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions which provides answers to common queries.

I have contacted RomaniaKiss customer service a couple of times and never received a response or the response was not helpful. This could be due to the fact that the customer service team is often busy and unable to respond quickly.

In addition to providing customer service, RomaniaKiss also offers a variety of other support services. These include safety tips for online dating, advice on how to create an effective profile, and information about the different features available on the site. RomaniaKiss also provides users with the ability to report any suspicious activity or inappropriate behaviour. This ensures that the site remains safe and secure for all users.

RomaniaKiss also offers users the opportunity to join forums and chat rooms where they can discuss their experiences with other members. This allows users to connect with like-minded individuals and get advice from people who have had similar experiences. Additionally, RomaniaKiss also provides users with the ability to block or report any member who is behaving inappropriately.

Overall, RomaniaKiss provides users with several ways to access support. While the response time for email inquiries may not always be fast, there are still plenty of resources available to help users with any issues they may have. Additionally, the forums and chat rooms provide users with the opportunity to connect with other members and get advice from people who have had similar experiences.

User Profiles

RomaniaKiss user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. It is possible to set a custom bio, however the profile must include the user’s location information. This cannot be hidden from other users. There is no indication of the distance between users, however it is possible to search for other users in a certain area.

Premium subscriptions offer some benefits such as increased visibility and access to advanced search filters. It is not clear if there are a lot of fake profiles on RomaniaKiss, however users should always exercise caution when communicating with other users.

One aspect of RomaniaKiss user profiles that could use improvement is the lack of detail. Currently, the only information that can be included in a profile is age, gender, location, and a short bio. It would be beneficial to have more detailed profiles so that users can get to know each other better before deciding to meet in person. Additionally, RomaniaKiss could benefit from allowing users to upload photos or videos to their profiles. This would make the profiles more engaging and help users to get a better sense of who they are talking to.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating. It is essential for users to feel secure when using a dating site, as they are trusting the platform with personal information and photos. RomaniaKiss takes safety and security seriously and has several features in place to ensure its users have a safe and secure experience.

RomaniaKiss requires all users to register with an email address, which helps verify their identity. The site also has measures in place to fight against bots and fake accounts. All new profiles are manually reviewed by the RomaniaKiss team before being approved. Additionally, RomaniaKiss offers a two-step verification option, which adds an extra layer of security to user accounts. Photos are also manually reviewed to ensure they comply with the site’s guidelines. RomaniaKiss also has a strict privacy policy, which outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

Despite these safety and security measures, there are still areas that could be improved. RomaniaKiss could offer more detailed information on its website about the steps it takes to protect user data. The site could also provide more guidance on how to spot potential scammers and fake accounts. Furthermore, RomaniaKiss could introduce a feature that allows users to report suspicious activity or inappropriate behavior. Finally, RomaniaKiss could add an option for users to block or mute other users who are not respecting the site’s guidelines.

Overall, RomaniaKiss has several safety and security measures in place to protect its users. However, there are still some areas that could be improved to further enhance the safety and security of the site.


RomaniaKiss offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic membership is free, allowing users to create a profile and search for potential matches. However, the paid subscription provides access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to view who has viewed your profile. Prices start at $9.99 per month, making RomaniaKiss competitively priced compared to other dating sites on the market.

Although the free membership does provide some benefits, it is limited in comparison to the paid subscription. For example, with the free membership you are unable to message other users, meaning that it is difficult to make meaningful connections. Furthermore, without the advanced search filters it can be difficult to find compatible matches.

Overall, RomaniaKiss offers an affordable way to connect with potential partners. With the paid subscription, users have access to all the features they need to make meaningful connections. Although the free membership does provide some benefits, it is limited in comparison to the paid subscription.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Create a profile, browse profiles, send and receive messages, use chatroom, access mobile app
Premium $19.99/month All basic features plus: view full-size photos, send virtual gifts, advanced search filters, see who has viewed your profile
VIP $29.99/month All premium features plus: unlimited messaging, VIP customer support, highlighted profile in search results

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to RomaniaKiss include Badoo, Lovoo, and Twoo, which are all popular dating sites that offer similar features. Additionally, there are many other regional and international dating sites available for those looking for a romantic connection.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who are interested in meeting someone from Romania.
  • Best for those who are open to exploring new cultures and experiences.

How we reviewed RomaniaKiss

When it comes to reviewing RomaniaKiss, we take our job seriously. We spent days testing both the free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users (we sent over 50 messages in total). We also took time to explore the features available on the site, from the search filters to the messaging system. We even tested out the payment options, making sure that everything was secure and straightforward.

We also looked at the customer service offered by RomaniaKiss, making sure that any queries were answered quickly and efficiently. We also checked out the user profiles to make sure they were up-to-date and accurate.

At the end of our review process, we can confidently say that RomaniaKiss is a great dating site. Our commitment to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We put in the effort to make sure that our readers get the most accurate and up-to-date information about RomaniaKiss.


1. Is RomaniaKiss legit?

I tried RomaniaKiss and it’s definitely not legit. It’s full of fake profiles and the customer service is terrible. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a real dating experience.

2. How does RomaniaKiss work?

RomaniaKiss is a dating site that’s just another way to exploit people looking for love. It’s full of fake profiles and it’s hard to tell who’s real or not. All in all, it’s not worth the hassle.

3. How much does RomaniaKiss subscription cost?

The subscription cost for RomaniaKiss is outrageous. It’s way too expensive for a dating site. I wouldn’t recommend it.

4. Is RomaniaKiss trustworthy?

I wouldn’t say RomaniaKiss is trustworthy. From my experience, it seems like a bit of a scam and the people on there aren’t exactly who they say they are. I’d stay away from it if I were you.


Overall, RomaniaKiss is not a good option for those looking for an online dating experience. Its registration process is overly complicated and its pricing structure is too expensive for the features it offers. Furthermore, its user interface is outdated and not very intuitive, making it difficult to navigate. Additionally, there are concerns about safety and security, as users have reported that their accounts have been hacked. All in all, RomaniaKiss is not a suitable choice for those seeking a secure and reliable online dating platform.

Ellie Cox

Ellie Cox is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over 10 years. She's passionate about providing honest reviews and advice to help people make the best decisions when it comes to finding a partner. A graduate of University College London, Ellie holds a degree in psychology with minors in sociology and anthropology. After graduating, she worked as a research assistant at several universities before deciding to pursue her passion full-time: writing about relationships and dating culture from an academic perspective. With her knowledge of human behavior, Ellie helps readers understand how different aspects of our lives can influence our romantic choices - whether we're looking for casual hookups or long-term commitment partners! In addition to reviewing popular apps like Tinder or Bumble on behalf of publications such as The Guardian and Huffington Post UK, Ellie also runs her own blog where she shares tips on everything from crafting perfect profiles to navigating awkward conversations with potential matches. Her work has helped countless individuals become more confident daters while simultaneously giving them insight into what makes someone compatible with another person – something that isn't always easy (or obvious) when you’re swiping through hundreds of faces every day! When asked why she loves being an online dating expert so much, Ellie says it's because "it gives me the opportunity not only share my expertise but also empower others by teaching them skills they need in order navigate this ever changing landscape." Whether you’re newbie dater or seasoned pro seeking some fresh perspectives; if there’s one thing you can count on getting from reading any piece written by Elli Cox - it'll be valuable insights delivered straight up without sugar coating anything along the way!

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