Our Team

Welcome to Dating Dossier! We are a team of experienced online daters who have come together to provide honest and unbiased reviews about the various dating sites and apps out there. Our mission is simple: we want you, our readers, to make informed decisions when it comes to choosing the right platform for your needs.

We understand that navigating through all of these options can be overwhelming at times – especially if you’re new in this space or don’t know where exactly start looking. That’s why we take great pride in providing detailed yet easy-to-understand information on different platforms so that everyone can find what they’re looking for with ease. Whether you’re seeking casual flings or something more serious, our team has got your back!

From analyzing features such as user base size and quality; pricing plans; security measures taken by each site/app etc., no stone will remain unturned while researching every aspect of an app/site before recommending it (or not) here on Dating Dossier. With years worth experience between us across multiple countries around the world, rest assured knowing that whatever advice we give is based off real life experiences rather than just mere speculation – which makes us one unique resource compared against other review websites out there today!