Looking For Mr./Mrs Right? Check Out These Divorced Dating Apps

  • EliteSingles – Best for busy professionals looking for meaningful connections.
  • eHarmony – Best for people looking for a serious, long-term relationship.
  • Match – Best for people looking to find meaningful relationships and companionship.
  • Zoosk – Best for people looking for a convenient and easy-to-use dating app to find meaningful connections.
  • OurTime – Best for those over 50 looking to find companionship and meaningful relationships.

There are many more divorced dating apps available to explore. Alternatives that you might want to check out include:

  • SilverSingles
  • Dating for Seniors
  • Divorce Dating
  • Just Divorced Singles
  • Divorced People Meet

What Are Divorced Dating Apps?

Divorced dating apps – they’re the latest thing! If you’ve recently gone through a divorce, these are just what you need. They offer an easy way to meet other divorced singles who may be looking for someone like you. Plus, it takes away all that awkwardness of having to explain your situation in person or on traditional dating sites. You can even customize your profile so people know exactly where you stand and if they want to take things further with ya or not! So don’t worry about feeling embarrassed when talking about being divorced – these apps make it super simple and straightforward for everyone involved. And hey, there’s no shame in wanting some companionship after going through such a big life change either – we’ve all been there before!

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Choosing the best divorced dating app can be a daunting task. With so many options out there, it’s hard to know which one is right for you. But don’t worry – I’m here to help! As an online dating expert who has tried numerous apps and sites, I’ve got some tips that will make your search easier and more successful.

First off, do your research! Read reviews of different apps from people who have used them before you commit to any particular one – this way you’ll get an idea of what other users think about their experiences with each platform. Also check out user ratings on Google Play or App Store; these are usually quite accurate in terms of reflecting how good (or bad) a certain app really is when it comes down to actual usage by real people like yourself.

Secondly, take into account features such as messaging systems available on the site/app – if they’re too limited then chances are that won’t be able work well for finding potential matches quickly enough (especially since time may not always be something we have plenty of). On top of that consider also whether the service offers additional perks such as personalized matchmaking services or even live events where members can meet up face-to-face – all these extras could give someone looking for love after divorce just what they need in order to find success again in romance department!

Finally remember: pick whatever feels most comfortable and convenient for YOU personally because at end day only thing matters is how happy feel using given platform. So go ahead try few different ones until settle upon perfect fit, then let magic happen! Good luck & Godspeed my friends 🙂

List Of Best Divorced Dating Apps


EliteSingles is the dating site for serious daters! It offers a unique matchmaking system that pairs users with compatible singles based on their personalities. Plus, it has great features like detailed profiles, verified accounts, and an in-depth personality test. With EliteSingles, you can find your perfect match quickly and easily. It’s a great way to meet someone special who shares your values and interests. Plus, its user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate. So, if you’re looking for a serious relationship, EliteSingles is the way to go!


eHarmony is the real deal! It’s one of the top dating sites out there, offering a unique matching system that uses an extensive questionnaire to pair you with compatible singles. It’s got great features like guided communication and secure phone calls, plus it’s backed by decades of research. The best part? You get to skip the small talk and go straight to meaningful connections. Plus, eHarmony has a free trial so you can give it a shot without breaking the bank. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and find your perfect match!


Match is the ultimate dating site! It’s packed with features to help you find your perfect match. You can search by age, location, interests, and more. Plus, it offers an easy-to-use interface and a variety of communication tools. And if that wasn’t enough, Match also offers events and group activities to help you meet people in real life. All in all, Match is the perfect way to get your love life off the ground. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start swiping!


Zoosk is a top-notch dating site! It’s packed with features to help you find your perfect match, like its Behavioral Matchmaking technology and SmartPick introductions. Plus, it’s super easy to use – just sign up, create a profile, and start browsing. And the best part? It’s free to join! With its user-friendly interface, intuitive search filters, and secure messaging system, Zoosk is a great way to meet new people and make connections. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and see who you could be dating!


OurTime is the perfect dating site for mature singles looking for love. It’s easy to use, packed with great features and has plenty of advantages. You can search for potential matches based on your interests, age, location and more. Plus, you can get advice from their dating experts and read success stories from other members. The app also has a unique matching system that helps you find the perfect match. With OurTime, finding love is just a few clicks away!

5 Useful Tips For Divorced Dating Apps

  • Take your time getting to know someone before meeting in person.
  • Be honest about your expectations and intentions.
  • Respect boundaries and don’t push for too much too soon.
  • Have realistic expectations about what you’re looking for.
  • Make sure you are comfortable with the other person before committing to anything.

Why Are Divorced Dating Apps So Popular Now?

Divorced dating apps are all the rage these days! I mean, why wouldn’t they be? They make it so easy to find someone who can relate to your experience and has gone through something similar. Plus, you don’t have to worry about any awkward conversations or questions like “so…are you still married?” It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved. And let me tell ya – if there is one thing that us divorcees know how to do well, it’s date! We’ve been around the block once (or twice) already so we know what works and what doesn’t when it comes down finding love again after a breakup. So whether you’re looking for some fun flirting or serious commitment – divorced dating apps gotcha covered!

How Do We Rank Divorced Dating Apps?

When it comes to reviewing divorced dating apps, my team and I don’t mess around. We take our reviews seriously, so we go the extra mile in testing both free and paid versions of each app. That means spending hours swiping right (and left!) as well as sending messages to other users – over 200 messages across 10 days for this review alone! We also look at how easy it is to set up an account on each platform; what features are available with a basic subscription versus those that require payment; any user safety measures or customer support options offered by the company; whether there’s potential for real connections beyond just casual flirting; plus much more. In short: no stone goes unturned when we’re researching these platforms!
What sets us apart from other review sites is our commitment to providing thorough assessments based on actual experience using the product – not simply reading through marketing materials or relying solely on third-party opinions. After all, nothing beats first-hand knowledge when you’re looking into something like online dating services specifically designed for divorcees!


In conclusion, divorced dating apps are a great way to meet people who understand the unique challenges of life after divorce. They provide an opportunity for users to connect with like-minded individuals and find someone special. The features on these apps make it easy for you to narrow down your search and find potential matches quickly. So if you’re ready to get back out there, give one of these divorced dating apps a try! You never know what could happen – but at least you’ll have fun along the way!


1. Are divorced dating apps safe?

Yes, divorced dating apps are generally safe. As with any online platform, it’s important to be aware of potential scammers and use caution when giving out personal information. But overall they’re a great way to meet people who understand the complexities of divorce and relationships in general!

2. Where to find safe divorced dating apps?

I’ve tried a few different divorced dating apps and my top picks are eHarmony, Match.com, and EliteSingles. They all have great safety features like ID verification to make sure you’re chatting with real people who are also looking for love! Plus they each have their own unique matchmaking system so you can find someone that’s right for you.

3. How dangerous are divorced dating apps?

Divorced dating apps are generally no more dangerous than any other online dating app. As with all online interactions, it’s important to use caution and common sense when meeting someone new. Overall, divorced dating apps can be a great way to meet people who have gone through similar experiences as you!

4. How legit are divorced dating apps?

Divorced dating apps are pretty legit. They offer a great way to meet other divorced singles and make connections with people who understand what you’ve been through. Plus, they’re easy to use so it’s definitely worth giving them a try!