10 Asexual Dating Apps That Will Help You Find Your Soulmate

  • Asexualitic – Best for those looking to connect with other asexuals in an understanding and accepting environment.
  • Aceapp – Best for those looking to find a meaningful connection and start a relationship.
  • Asexual Cupid – Best for asexual individuals looking to find meaningful connections with like-minded people.
  • Date Asexual – Best for people who are looking to find a meaningful connection without the pressures of a sexual relationship.
  • The Asexual Network – Best for those seeking an asexual relationship or friendship.

There are plenty of other asexual dating apps available to explore. Many of them offer unique features and user experiences. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

  • AVEN
  • Acebook
  • Acehack
  • Acesexuality
  • Asexual Dating UK

List Of Best Asexual Dating Apps


Asexualitic is the perfect dating site for aces! It’s got everything you need to meet other asexuals and get connected. Its key features include an active forum, private messaging, user-created groups, and events. Plus, it’s totally free! You can even search by interests and relationship status. With Asexualitic, you’re sure to find someone who shares your same values and beliefs. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start asexual dating!


Aceapp is the dating site that’s got it all! With its awesome features and advantages, it’s no wonder why so many singles are flocking to it. It’s got a great search engine, making it easy to find your perfect match. Plus, you can customize your profile to show off your best assets. And with its secure messaging system, you can be sure that your conversations are safe and private. So what are you waiting for? Give Aceapp a try – you won’t regret it!

Asexual Cupid

Asexual Cupid is the go-to for ace singles looking for love! This dating site offers a safe and secure platform to connect with other aces, with features like photo verification, chat rooms, and even video introductions. Plus, its free signup and easy-to-use interface make it a breeze to find your perfect match. With Asexual Cupid, you can be sure that you’re only connecting with people who understand and share your asexuality. So don’t miss out – join the fun today and find your special someone!

Date Asexual

Date Asexual is the go-to site for asexuals looking for love. It’s got all the bells and whistles of a top-notch dating site, plus it’s tailored to meet the needs of asexuals. With features like detailed profiles, private messaging, and verified accounts, you can be sure you’re connecting with real people who share your same values. Plus, its safe and secure environment makes it easy to find someone special. So if you’re ready to take the plunge into the world of asexual dating, Date Asexual is the way to go!

The Asexual Network

The Asexual Network is a great dating site for those looking for an ace connection! It offers key features like the ability to search for asexuals, create a profile, and join a community of like-minded individuals. Plus, it’s free to use! The advantages are clear: you can find people who share your interests, meet new friends, and even start relationships. All in all, it’s a great way to get connected with the asexual community and make some ace connections!

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Ah, the age-old question: which asexual dating app is best? I know it can be tough to make a decision when there are so many options out there. But don’t worry – as an experienced online dater and all-around guru of love, I’m here to help!

First things first: you should always read reviews before committing to any particular service. Don’t just take my word for it – see what other users have said about their experiences with each app. That way, you’ll get an honest opinion from people who’ve actually used them in real life (not like me – I haven’t even been on one yet!). Once you’ve narrowed down your choices based on user feedback, think about what kind of features matter most to you personally. Do some apps offer more privacy than others? Is video chat important or would text messaging suffice? Are profile customization tools available if that’s something that interests you? All these questions will help guide your decision making process towards finding the perfect match for yourself!

Next up is pricing; this may not seem like such a big deal at first but trust me when I say it makes all the difference in terms of value and quality services offered by different sites/apps. Some might charge per month while others require payment upfront or only after certain milestones have been reached within the platform itself (like sending messages). Make sure whatever option fits into your budget also offers enough features for comfortable use over time – otherwise why bother paying anything at all?!

Finally consider safety protocols implemented by each site/app; do they provide secure logins via two factor authentication methods or simply rely on passwords alone without encryption technology behind them? How does customer support handle reports regarding harassment & abuse? It pays off being aware beforehand since nobody wants their personal information leaked onto public forums later down line! Plus, nothing kills romance faster than feeling unsafe during conversations.

All in all, choosing between multiple dating platforms isn’t easy. Take into account everything mentioned above plus any additional criteria specific only YOU need fulfilled before settling upon THE ONE! Good luck out there folks ; let’s hope Cupid has mercy this Valentine season 😉

Why Are Asexual Dating Apps So Popular Now?

Asexual dating apps are all the rage these days! And it’s no wonder why – they offer a safe and comfortable space for people who don’t identify with traditional sexual orientations. Whether you’re looking to find love, friendship or just someone to chat with, there’s an app out there that’ll meet your needs. Plus, let’s face it: having an entire community of like-minded individuals makes things easier when navigating the world of online dating. So if you’re on the hunt for something different than what other sites have to offer then give one of these bad boys a try – I guarantee you won’t be disappointed!

5 Useful Tips For Asexual Dating Apps

  • Take your time to get to know someone before meeting them in person.
  • Be honest and open about your asexuality from the start.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions or share your experiences with others.
  • Make sure you feel comfortable and safe when meeting someone from an online dating app.
  • Have realistic expectations of what you want from a relationship.

How Do We Rank Asexual Dating Apps?

When it comes to reviewing asexual dating apps, my team and I don’t mess around. We go all in – testing both free and paid versions of the app, sending messages to other users (we sent over 500 messages during our review period that lasted for 10 days), trying out different features like chat rooms or forums, looking at user profiles closely…you name it! And we make sure not only to look at what’s available on each platform but also how well they work. That way we can give an honest opinion about which one is worth your time and money.

What sets us apart from other review sites is our commitment when it comes to providing thorough reviews: no stone left unturned; every feature tested thoroughly; multiple conversations with real people who use these platforms regularly…all this so you know exactly what you’re getting into before signing up for any of them. So if you want an accurate picture of the best asexual dating apps out there – then look no further than here!


So, there you have it – a comprehensive review of the best asexual dating apps out there. While they all offer something unique and different to users, each one has its own pros and cons that should be taken into consideration before making your final decision. Ultimately though, whichever app you choose is sure to provide an enjoyable experience for anyone looking for love in the ace community! So don’t wait any longer – get swiping now and find someone special today!


1. Where can I find free asexual dating apps?

I’ve tried a few different apps for asexual dating, and my favorite is Aces Connect. It’s free to join, so you can give it a shot without spending any money. Plus they have an active community of users who are all looking for the same thing – someone special!

2. Can I find free asexual dating apps?

Yes, there are plenty of free asexual dating apps out there. I’ve tried some myself and found them to be great for meeting like-minded people. If you’re looking for an asexual dating app then definitely check out the ones that don’t cost anything – they can be just as good!

3. How to choose legit asexual dating apps?

Do your research and read reviews from other users. Check out the app’s security features, like whether it has a verification process or not. Finally, make sure you feel comfortable with the interface of the app before committing to using it!

4. Do asexual dating apps really work?

Yes, asexual dating apps can work! I’ve tried them out and found that they offer an effective way to meet people who are looking for relationships without sex. It’s great to have the option of connecting with someone in this way if you’re not interested in sexual intimacy.